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Researchers of Psychological and Asian American Topics

This page provides a list of researchers across the United States who are researching various psychological and Asian American topics. Each researcher is listed under the state and city in which they teach. Beneath each researcher is listed their university of instruction as well as their research interests. Clicking on the name of a researcher will direct users to the researcher’s homepage where users can find the researcher’s CV, contact information, and research opportunities.

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E.J.R. David
University of Alaska – Anchorage
Research interests include ethnic minority psychology; Filipino American psychology; internalized oppression and mental health; Asian American/Pacific Islander psychology; indigenous and postcolonial psychology



Qing Zhou
University of California – Berkeley
Research interests include understanding the developmental pathways towards behavioral problems and competence in childhood and adolescence by looking at temperament, emotion-related processing, family socialization, and larger socio-cultural contexts.


Sharon Goto
Pomona College
Research interests include Asian Americans’ perception and negotiation of their experiences in organizational contexts; intercultural interaction; cognitions about the self; culturally disparate groups and intergroup attitudes; the effects of majority and minority group membership on satisfaction with interactions.

Wei-Chin Hwang
Claremont McKenna College
Research interests include ethnic, racial, and cultural issues in mental health and conceptualizations of mental illness, with an emphasis on affective disorders; cultural competence and the cultural adaptation of mental health services; health disparities, the prevalence and etiology of psychopathology across ethnic populations, ethnic differences in the expression of distress, cross-cultural validity of diagnostic and assessment instruments, and differential pathways to care.


Nolan Zane
University of California – Davis
Research interests include the development and evaluation of culturally oriented treatments for ethnic minorities; changing mechanisms in mental health interventions; program evaluations of substance abuse and mental health programs; cultural determinants of addictive behaviors.

Yuuko Uchikoshi
University of California – Davis
Research interests include bilingualism and bilingual education; educational television and multimedia; language acquisition; literacy development; quantitative methods; sociolinguistics and psycholinguistics.


Angela MT Nguyen
California State University – Fullerton
Research interests include the experiences of multicultural individuals, such as their acculturation, bicultural identity, bilingualism and cultural frame-switching; cultural intelligence; intersectionality.

Los Angeles

Anna Lau
University of California – Los Angeles
Research interests include mental health care for Asian American families, culture and child psychopathology, and parent-child relations in immigrant families.


Virginia Huynh
California State University – Northridge
Research interests include understanding social and cultural factors—such as discrimination and ethnic socialization—that influence the academic, psychological, and physical well-being of ethnic minority and immigrant children and adolescents.

Que-Lam Huynh
California State University – Northridge
Research interests include prejudice; discrimination; cultural identities.


Joey Fung
Fuller Theological Seminary
Research interests include cultural and familial influences on children’s social and emotional development, with an emphasis on Asian and Asian American families; cultural beliefs about parental control shape parenting practices and impacts on child adjustment.

San Francisco

Alvin Alvarez
San Francisco State University
Research interests include Asian Americans; racial identity; the psychological impact of racism.

Jae Paik
San Francisco State University
Research interests include development of early mathematical concepts, comparison processes, and verb acquisitions; relation between language, culture, and conceptual development; cross-cultural differences in children’s cognitive development.

Seung Hee (Sydnie) Yoo
The Wright Institute
Research interests include interpersonal relationships; emotions; culture.

Berkeley, CA

Karl Kwan
San Francisco State University
Research interests include development and assessment of counseling constructs specific to Asians and Asian Americans.

Kevin Chun
University of San Francisco
Research interests include family acculturation processes and their relation to health and psychosocial adjustment for Asian American immigrants.

Christine Yeh
University of San Francisco
Research interests include poverty, racism, and mental health in urban schools and communities; immigrant youth cultural adjustment and negotiations; Asian Pacific Islander cultural conceptualizations of self, collectivistic coping, and mental health; multicultural school counseling, indigenous healing methods and perspectives; obesity prevention.

Santa Barbara

Heejung Kim
University of California – Santa Barbara
Research interests include cultural differences in the perception and the effect of speech; cultural differences in the use of social support; the role of emotion in the acculturation process; the role of culture and genetics in shaping social behaviors.


Jeanne Tsai
Stanford University
Research interests include cultural shaping of emotion and mental health across the lifespan.



Bryan Kim
University of Hawaii
Research interests include multicultural psychotherapy process and outcome; measurement of culture-specific constructs; psychotherapist training; immigrant experiences.



Yu-Wei Wang
Counseling Center, University of Maryland
Research interests include psychosocial processes related to stress, trauma, coping/problem solving, resilience, and well-being in culturally diverse populations; multicultural issues in counseling and training (including race/ethnicity, gender, religion/spirituality, and international issues).

College Park, Maryland

Joan Chiao
International Cultural Neuroscience Consortium
Research interests include social interaction and emotion; bidirectional interaction of cultural and biological processes and their influence on human diversity in perception, thought, feeling and action.

Highland Park, IL

Frances Shen
University of Illinois – Springfield
Research interests include counseling psychology; multiculturalism and diversity issues; Asian American psychology.



Deborah Son Holoien
Amherst College
Research interests include intergroup understanding; colorblindness and multiculturalism; impressions and stereotyping.


Connie Chan
University of Massachusetts – Boston
Research Interests include mental health policy; racial and ethnic health disparities; ethics.

Cindy Liu
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center & University of Massachusetts – Boston
Research interests include multiculturalism; parenting, stress, and perinatal mental health in mothers and infants.

Karen Suyemoto
University of Massachusetts – Boston
Research interests include mental health and identity in Asian Americans; multiracial issues; identity development diversity.


Nellie Tran
San Diego State University – San Diego, CA
Research interests include the impact of socio-cultural factors on the psychological adjustment and identity development of marginalized individuals, particularly racial/ethnic minorities, immigrants and refugees.


Stephen Chen
Wellesley College
Research interests include stress, mental health, and development of immigrant families; cultural influences on emotion and self-regulation .



Charissa Cheah
University of Maryland – Baltimore County
Research interests include children’s social and emotional development; parenting; culture.

College Park

Matthew Miller
Loyola University Chicago
Research interests include the cultural and racial experiences of racially diverse populations; the psychology of social justice engagement; the career development of diverse populations; the measurement of multicultural psychological constructs.

Chicago, IL


Ann Arbor

Edward Chang
University of Michigan – Ann Arbor
Research interests include optimism and pessimism; perfectionism; social problem solving; stress and coping.

East Lansing

Fred Leong
Michigan State University
Research interests include multiculturalism; acculturation; ethnic minority psychology; personality.

Desiree Qin
Michigan State University
Research interests include psychosocial adjustment of children and adolescents from immigrant families; emotional and social development of high-achieving students; adaptation in refugee youths.



Rich Lee
University of Minnesota
Research interests include racial and ethnic experiences; development, well-being, and mental health among racial and ethnic minorities; transracial and transnational experiences.



Pei-Wen Winnie Ma
William Paterson University
Research interests include career and mental health issues affecting ethnic minority groups and Asian immigrant children, youth and families.



Qi Wang
Cornell University
Research interests include developmental, cognitive, and sociocultural perspectives; autobiographical memory, self, and emotion knowledge; how cultural beliefs and goals influence social cognitive representations and processes.

New York

Kevin Nadal
John Jay College of Criminal Justice -CUNY
Research interests include microaggressions; LGBTQ issues; Filipino American issues.

Sumie Okazaki
New York University
Research interests include the impact of immigration and race (i.e., racism, racial identity, racialization) on Asian and Asian American adolescents and emerging adults within local and transnational contexts.



Gordon Hall
University of Oregon
Research interests include sociocultural contexts of psychopathology; cancer disparities; Asian American psychology.



Shu-Wen Wang
Haverford College
Research interests include stress; social interaction; health and well-being in families and relationships


Xinyin Chen
University of Pennsylvania
Research interests include children and adolescents’ socioemotional functioning; developmental processes of social competence, shyness-inhibition, and aggression, and dispositional and socialization factors that are involved in the processes.



Jin Li
Brown University
Research interests include how children across cultures and ethnic groups develop learning beliefs; how children are socialized in this development; how children’s beliefs influence their actual learning and achievement.



Su Yeong Kim
University of Texas – Austin
Research interests include the intersection of family and culture; acculturation, tiger parenting, and language brokering in immigrant families.



Matthew Lee
Northeastern University
Research interests include psychological effects of cultural, racial, and ethnic minority status; effects of diversity coursework and extracurricular programming; racial climate and intergroup relations; influence of phenotype on individual-level well-being.

Boston, MA



Jennifer Wang
Fairhaven College, Western Washington University
Research interests include racial microaggressions; cultural psychology; emotion, identity, immigrant stress and mental health; ways to talk about race; within-person patterns of variation.