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The Division on Practice (DoP) provides a forum for Asian and/or Asian-American practitioners who have vast interests in the provision of clinical services to the mental health community and in bridging the gap between research and practice. The DoP offers a platform to foster collaborations between researchers and practitioners on research that truly informs practice with AAPI clients and on current practice trends that can guide future research on AAPI mental health issues. Furthermore, the DoP provides the networks, support, resources and institutional visibility for AAPI practitioners that reflect the core mission of AAPA. The DoP built a Provider Directory to increase access to care for our AAPI community.


In recent years, there has been an increasing awareness of a need for a community of AAPI practitioners to become more involved within AAPA. Extant research and workshops indicate that a gap exists between evidence-based practices and community-defined practices (Martinez, 2008). Traditionally, evidence-based practice dictates that research inform practice. However, there has also increasingly been a call to look at how practice trends can also inform research direction. Thus, the DoP was established as a division focused on practitioner concerns that encourages practitioners to become more involved with AAPA by offering a space that focuses on and advocates for issues of interest to practitioners and promoting scholarly and peer reviewed journal submission from practitioners. In addition, the DoP further promotes collaborations between researchers and practitioners to positively influence research in the direction of AAPI community-defined practices by utilizing a set of practices that AAPI communities have identified as effective for the community.

Board Members

DoP Chair: Susan Han
DoP Co-Chair: Jennifer Hsia
DoP Chair-Elect: Paul Park
DoP Treasurer:
Gary Quan

DoP Secretary/Historian: Zixuan Wang
DoP Membership Chair: vacant
DoP Communications Chair: Ken Kikuchi
DoP Student Representative: My-Linh Luu

The DoP is currently accepting new members! As a newer AAPA division, there are a lot of upcoming leadership opportunities. If you’d like to become involved in advancing the interests of AAPI practitioners, we encourage you to consider becoming a member!