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AAPA Statement on Michael Brown & Eric Garner

By Announcements, Statements

AAPA Statement on Michael Brown and Eric Garner
January 5, 2015

As we begin our work in 2015, the Asian American Psychological Association (AAPA) wishes to reflect on the recent series of events that have sparked much pain and anguish across the country. The AAPA shares the deep sadness and anger across the country and world in response to recent grand jury decisions not to indict the police officers who were involved in killing of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri and Eric Garner in Staten Island, New York. We express our deepest condolences to the families and communities of Brown and Garner, and stand in solidarity with our African American brothers and sisters. We believe #BlackLivesMatter and we will continue to stand with the Black community and advocate for justice.

At the same time, we also mourn the deaths of NYPD officers Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu, dedicated public servants who were senselessly murdered by a deeply disturbed individual. We send our heartfelt condolences to the Ramos and Liu families and the communities the officers served. We acknowledge that law enforcement officers risk their lives every day to protect and serve the public, including protecting the freedom of speech and the right to assemble in peaceful protest. We strongly condemn any violence or threats against law enforcement. Violence is never the answer. We also believe that we can respect and show appreciation of law enforcement officers while still raising concerns about systemic and institutional inequities with respect to criminal enforcement that normalizes excessive use of force by police officers, racial profiling, and hyper-criminalization of Blackness. We are keenly aware that the recent deaths of Michael Brown, Eric Garner, and Tamir Rice are not isolated incidents; rather, they are tied to a longstanding history of systemic racism that has plagued our country since its inception.

We remind ourselves of the ever-changing, dehumanizing, and stereotypical caricatures that have been used throughout history to justify violence against our communities of color, including the slavery of African Americans, genocide of Native Americans, colonization of Latinos/as and Pacific Islanders, and citizen exclusions and imprisonment of Asian Americans. We recognize that even “positive” stereotypes such as the myth of the “model minority” serve to silence our voices raised in solidarity, while simultaneously pathologizing Black experiences.

Though these forms of oppressions are interconnected, we understand that Black people are currently the primary target of state and police violence. We are troubled by recent research findings that our society has less empathy for those that are darker skinned (Trawalte, Hoffman, & Waytz, 2012) and that African American boys are viewed older than their chronological age (Goff et al., 2014). We acknowledge the power of the implicit racial biases that informs all of our decision-making and behaviors (Greenwald et al., 2009), including the higher likelihood of perceiving Black males as dangerous and as holding weapons despite being unarmed (Correll et al., 2002)—not even trained police officers are immune to this racial bias (Correll et al., 2007). Taken together, these studies provide an inexcusable context as to why Black men are more likely to be suspected, arrested, sentenced, and executed compared to their White peers (Eberhardt et al., 2006; Wade, 2014; Western, 2006).

The AAPA affirms that there is no justice when these systemic racial inequities are in place. We support social justice research, service, and practice that provide space for change and healing. We encourage our community to think and talk about how anti-Black racism has shaped our lives and then take actions to change these effects. We urge our members and friends to actively stand in solidarity with the Black community who ask only for social justice: that their human rights are recognized and respected. Black lives matter and the rest of our lives depend on this, as in the words of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., “injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.”


Correll, J., Park, B., Judd, C. M., & Wittenbrink, B. (2002). The police officer’s dilemma: Using ethnicity to disambiguate potentially threatening individuals. Journal of Personality & Social Psychology, 83, 1314– 1329.

Correll, J., Park, B., Judd, C. M., Wittenbrink, B., Sadler, M. S., & Keesee, T. (2007). Across the thin blue line: police officers and racial bias in the decision to shoot. Journal of Personality & Social Psychology, 92(6), 1006.

Eberhardt, J. L., Davies, P. G., Purdie-Vaughns, V. J., & Johnson, S. L. (2006). Looking deathworthy: Perceived stereotypicality of Black defendants predicts capital-sentencing outcomes. Psychological Science, 17, 383–386.

Greenwald, A. G., Poehlman, T. A., Uhlmann, E. L., & Banaji, M. R. (2009). Understanding and using the Implicit Association Test: III. Meta-analysis of predictive validity. Journal of Personality & Social Psychology, 97, 17-41.

Goff, P., Jackson, M., Di Leone, B., Culotta, C., & DiTomasso, N. (2014). The essence of innocence: Consequences of dehumanizing Black children. Journal of Personality & Social Psychology, 106, 526-545.

Trawalter, S., Hoffman, K. M., & Waytz, A. (2012). Racial bias in perceptions of others’ pain. PloS one, 7(11), e48546.

Wade, L. (2014, November). When force is hardest to justify, victims of police violence are most likely to be Black. Retrieved from

Western, B. (2006). Punishment and inequality in America. New York, NY: Russell Sage Foundation.

(Link to pdf of statement).

Announcing AAPA’s 2014-2015 Leadership Fellows

By Announcements

The AAPA Leadership Fellows Program is excited to announce the
2014-2015 AAPA Leadership Fellows:
Gagan “Mia” Khera, Ph.D. & Yuen Shan Christine Lee, Ph.D.

Y.S. Christine Lee

Dr. Khera is an Associate Professor (pre-tenure) at Rivier University in Nashua, New Hampshire in the Graduate Counseling and School Psychology Program. Dr. Khera is trained as a Community/Cultural Clinical Psychologist. Her work focuses around applied and intervention-based work. She has also spent time with organizations such as Teach for America and Peace First.

Dr. Lee is a staff psychologist at the New York University Langone Medical Center in New York, New York. Dr. Lee’s training is in Health Psychology and Neuropsychology. Dr. Lee’s work focuses on the importance of rehabilitation psychology, especially culturally competent and sensitive psychological and cognitive rehabilitation interventions for Asian American populations following physical or neurological injuries.

Please join us in welcoming our newest AAPA Leadership Fellows!

Nellie Tran & Cindy Liu
AAPA Leadership Fellows Program Co-Chairs

AAPA Leadership Fellows Announcement PDF

2015 Convention CFP now available

By Convention, News

The 2015 AAPA Convention Call for Proposals is now available! This year’s conference will take place on August 5, 2015 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. We are excited about the theme, “Perspectives Across the Lifespan: Toward a More Holistic Understanding of Asian American Psychology” and hope to receive a variety of proposals across the discipline of Asian American Psychology.

Download the Call for Proposals here:

Submission deadline: JANUARY 30, 2015

AAPA Statement on Need For More Research on AAPI Undocumented Immigrants

By News, Statements

The rapidly changing immigrant landscape in the United States signals a dire need for more research focusing on mental health concerns of undocumented Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) populations. Asian American population is the fastest growing racial group in the U.S., growing by 43% between 2000 and 2010. This rapid growth is fueled primarily by immigration, with over a quarter of all immigrants to the U.S. coming from Asia in the recent years. However, not all immigrants of Asia have documentation. In fact, there are an estimated 1.3 million undocumented immigrants from Asia in the United States. In 2011, Asian immigrants made up 11% of the 11 million undocumented immigrants in the United States (The Benefits of Commonsense Immigration Reform: Asian American Immigrant and Refugee Communities). There are an estimated 416,000 Asian undocumented immigrants in California, or roughly 15% of the state’s undocumented population (NAMI, 2011). Three states with some of the largest Asian American populations are also home to the largest undocumented populations: California, New York, and Texas (Migration Policy Institute, 2010). Asian American communities are significantly impacted by the U.S. immigration policies and are invested in immigration reform.

Psychological research has pointed to many risk factors associated with immigration that impact mental health. Undocumented immigrants tend to have even higher risk factors that compromise their mental health and ability to cope with the stress of adjustment to a new culture than immigrants who come through authorized channels. For example, undocumented immigrants – like many other immigrants from other regions – are motivated to migrate because of poverty, religious or political persecution, exploitation, violence, war, or torture in their home country. Their journey from Asia to the U.S. is often filled with risks and trauma. There are additional hardships for undocumented immigrants and their families as their undocumented status make them vulnerable to exploitation by employers (Asian American Justice Center). Constant fear of deportation may cause stress, anxiety, and depression, as well as separation from their family and social support network and the stress of earning money they owe to the traffickers who transported them to the U.S. and to send remittances to their loved ones. Research has shown that a lack of pathways for citizenship for undocumented parents harms their children’s cognitive and language development (Yoshikawa, 2011).

Despite these general risk factors and challenges that contribute to the enormous psychological stress on undocumented immigrants and their families, there is virtually no research on the psychological experiences and mental health of undocumented AAPI populations. AAPA calls for increased funding for mental health research on this invisible segment of our community.

** Special thanks to the AAPA Policy Committee, especially Dr. Helen Hsu & Dr. Devika Srivastava, and to the AAPA Executive Committee

Calling AAPA’s next leaders! Apps due Nov 17th

By Announcements, News

The AAPA Leadership Fellows program is a leadership pipeline program that provides mentorship around professional development and a leadership pathway by serving as an entry point for leadership for those individuals who might not have other traditional methods of receiving opportunities and mentorship toward leadership in AAPA. For example, the program works to be inclusive to early career members who come from less recognized psychological disciplines and those who could benefit from more focused mentorship that leads to AAPA leadership. The program seeks to diversify the leadership by providing Fellows with mentors and leadership experience in AAPA. The program facilitates the development of AAPA leaders who will contribute to advancing Asian Americans, multiculturalism, and social justice within psychology and the association and to serve as leaders in other academic and organizational settings.

Fellows selected for the program will participate in several trainings, receive individual and group mentoring from experienced leaders in AAPA and Past Fellows, observe and participate in AAPA Executive Committee sessions, complete a year-long Fellows’ project, and present their experiences at the 2015 AAPA conference (attendance at midyear meetings, if applicable).

Fellows’ Projects
Working closely with a Project Mentor, Fellows will assume primary responsibility for a Fellow’s Project associated with AAPA initiatives and activities. Past examples of fellows’ projects are provided below. Project format and content and are dependent on Fellow’s interests.

  • Creating fact sheets for bullying and suicide among Asian Americans
  • Aiding in drafting grant proposals for CNPAAEMI Leadership Fellows program
  • Assisting state organizations with the creation of a mental health Information Sheet for California Insurance Programs
  • Attendance at the California Leadership and Advocacy Conference as an AAPA representative with a report to the Newsletter
  • Participation on the Social Justice Task Force for the creation of the AAPA Social Justice Standing Committee program

The specific goals and outcomes for each Fellow in relation to her/his project will be developed in collaboration with project mentors. AAPA Fellows participate in the Executive Committee throughout their fellowship year to ensure a connection between the Fellows and AAPA leadership.

Fellows will receive a stipend in the first year to defray travel costs for each required meeting (i.e., AAPA Toronto and midyear meeting TBD or other agreed upon professional conference or meeting, maximum of $750 per trip, up to $1500 per fellow for the entire year). Additional costs of travel and participation will be at fellows’ expense.

Applicant Criteria
Applicants must be AAPA members who have completed their doctoral degree by August 31, 2014. Preference will be given to applicants who have some prior leadership experience in local contexts (e.g., within their graduate program) but who have not had leadership experience at the national level within psychology (e.g., held formal leadership positions in APA or other national psychological associations or served in any capacity on the AAPA Executive Committee). Individuals who have had limited opportunities to become more involved in leadership roles within AAPA and other organizations (e.g., current mentors are not involved in AAPA, underrepresented professional interests or personal backgrounds) are strongly encouraged to apply.

Application Process
Applications should include (a) the required cover sheet (attached and also available at the AAPA website,, (b) the applicant’s CV (no more than 3 pages, please include a section detailing prior leadership experience and the names of 2 professional references), (c) a short statement (no more than 1500 words) describing the reasons for applying, the desired outcome for the applicant, and the reason for interest in the Fellows program, and (d) one letter of reference from an individual familiar with your professional work and past leadership experiences.

Please send electronic applications by November 17, 2014, to the Leadership Fellows Chairs (Nellie Tran and Cindy Liu): and Adobe Acrobat’s Portable Document Format (*.pdf) is preferred and Microsoft Word format (*.doc, *docx) is acceptable.

Download the AAPA Leadership Fellows Program call for applications

Nov 7th Conference: Promoting Emotional Well-Being and Preventing Suicide Among Asian/Asian American University Students

By Announcements, News

Sponsored by Caltech and AAPA, this conference is designed to help clinicians, health care professionals, university staff, and community advocates who provide direct service to Asian Americans.

Date/Time: Fri. November 7th, 9:30am-3:30pm
Location: Caltech Avery House, Pasadena, CA
Registration: Before October 17th, $40 (after October 17th, $50)

For the agenda and more information, download the Conference brochure and visit the Conference website.

DoFA announces first Filipino American Psychology Scholarship

By DoFA, News

AAPA’s Division on Filipino Americans (DoFA) is pleased to announce the first Filipino American Psychology Scholarship. The Filipino American Psychology Scholarship was initiated to increase the number of Filipino American professors, researchers, and academics in the field of psychology. By providing scholarship and mentorship to Filipino American prospective and early graduate students, it is hoped that research focused on Filipino Americans will also increase, leading to a greater representation and understanding of Filipino American people.

For more information on the scholarship, visit the DoFA Filipino American Psychology Scholarship page or download a pdf of the call for applications.

2014 Convention Keynote Speaker – KIRAN AHUJA

By Convention

Kiran Ahuja was appointed on December 14, 2009 to the position of Executive Director of the White House Initiative on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAPIs), housed in the U.S. Department of Education in Washington, DC. In this capacity, she is responsible for directing the efforts of the White House Initiative and the Presidential Advisory Commission on AAPIs to advise federal agency leadership on the implementation and coordination of federal programs as they relate to AAPIs across executive departments and agencies. The White House Initiative on AAPIs works with these entities to improve the quality of life and opportunities for Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders through increased access to, and participation in, federal programs in which they may be underserved.

For almost twenty years, Ms. Ahuja has dedicated herself to improving the lives of women of color in the U.S. Well-known as a leader among national and grassroots AAPI and women’s rights organizations, Ms. Ahuja served as the founding Executive Director of the National Asian Pacific American Women’s Forum (NAPAWF) from 2003-2008. Through her leadership, Ms. Ahuja built NAPAWF from an all-volunteer organization to one with a paid professional staff who continue to spearhead successful policy and education initiatives, expanded NAPAWF’s volunteer chapters and membership, and organized a strong and vibrant network of AAPI women community leaders across the country.

Ms. Ahuja grew up in Savannah, Georgia, where her understanding of race, gender and ethnicity was formed as a young Indian immigrant. She attended Spelman College, an historically black college, and the University of Georgia School of Law. Following law school, she was chosen as one of five Honors Program trial attorneys for the U.S. Department of Justice, Civil Rights Division, where she litigated education-related discrimination cases and filed the Department’s first peer-on-peer student racial harassment lawsuit. In addition, she participated in the Division’s National Origin Working Group as part of a core group of attorneys who organized response efforts for the Division after the September 11 terrorist attacks.