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Leadership Fellows Program 2013-14

By Announcements

Dear AAPA colleagues,

Please see below & click here Leadership Fellows2013 for the call for applications for the 2013-2014 AAPA Leadership Fellows Program. The application deadline is Monday, August 26, 2013.  If you have any questions, please contact the program co-chairs, Sam Wan ( and Grace Kim (  Thank you!

AAPA Leadership Fellows Program

Call for Applications

To facilitate the development of AAPA leaders who will contribute to advancing Asian Americans in psychology, multiculturalism, and social justice within psychology, AAPA is continuing its leadership development program.

Leadership Fellows selected for the program will participate in several trainings, receive individual and group mentoring from experienced leaders in AAPA and Past Leadership Fellows, observe and participate in AAPA Executive Committee sessions, complete a year-long Leadership Fellows’ project, and present their experiences at the 2014 AAPA conference in Washington, D.C.  LeadershipFellows from the 2013-2014 cohort will then become Past Leadership Fellows and will mentor incoming leadership fellows for the 2014-2015 year (optional attendance at midyear (if applicable) meetings).

Leadership Fellows will receive a stipend in the first year to defray travel costs for each required meeting (i.e., midyear meeting TBD or other agreed upon professional conference or meeting, and AAPA in Washington, D.C. (maximum of $750 per trip per Fellow, up to $1500 for the entire year).  Additional costs of travel and participation will be at Leadership Fellows’ expense.


Overview of Leadership Fellow’s Program:

–   Leadership Fellows Program Information Session

AAPA Convention 2013 (during lunch)

–   Initial Fellows Orientation:

o   Date TBD

Telephone conference call-   Professional Development Conference Call (Date TBD)

–   Ongoing individual mentoring and work on projects

–   Attendance at AAPA EC meetings

Sept.-Dec. 2013

Online/telephone-   AAPA EC Midyear meeting or a professional conference (e.g., Winter Roundtable, SRA, AAAS, etc.; TBD)

Date TBD, 2014

–   Professional Development Conference Call (Date TBD)

–   Ongoing individual mentoring and work on projects

–   Attendance at AAPA EC meetings

–   Participation in recruitment of next year’s Leadership Fellows

Feb. to Aug. 2014

Online/telephone-   AAPA Conference Presentation by 2013 Fellows:

–   Initial Fellows Training for 2014 fellows

–   AAPA EC annual meeting.

–   Participation in Program Evaluation of Leadership Fellows ProgramAugust 2014

AAPA/APA Conference

Washington, D.C.



Leadership Fellows’ Projects

Working closely with a Project Mentor, Leadership Fellows will assume primary responsibility for a Leadership Fellow’s Project associated with AAPA initiatives and activities.

Past examples of leadership fellows’ projects included:

  • Creating fact sheets on: bullying and suicide among Asian Americans, first generation college students, Asian international students
  • Aiding in drafting grant proposals for CNPAAEMI Leadership Fellows program
  • Assisting state organizations with the creation of a mental health Information Sheet for California Insurance Programs
  • Attendance at the California Leadership and Advocacy Conference as an AAPA representative with a report to the Newsletter
  • Participation on the Social Justice Task Force for the creation of the AAPA Social Justice Standing Committee program


The specific goals and outcomes for each Leadership Fellow in relation to his or her project will be developed in collaboration with their mentors.


Applicant Criteria

      Applicants must be AAPA members who have completed their doctoral degree by August 31, 2013.  Preference will be given to applicants who have some prior leadership experience in local contexts (e.g., within their graduate program) but who have not had leadership experience at the national level within psychology (e.g., held formal leadership positions in APA or other national psychological associations or served in any capacity on the AAPA Executive Committee).


Application Process

Applications should include:  (a) the required cover sheet (attached & also available at the AAPA website,, (b) the applicant’s CV (no more than 3 pages, please include a section detailing prior leadership experience and the names of 2 professional references), (c) a short statement (no more than 1500 words) describing the reasons for applying, the desired outcome for the applicant, and the reason for interest in the Fellows project, and (e) one letter of reference from an individual familiar with your professional work and past leadership experiences.


Please send electronic applications by Monday, August 26, 2013 to the Leadership Fellows Program Co-chairs Adobe Acrobat’s Portable Document Format (*.pdf) is preferred and Microsoft Word format (*.doc, *docx) is acceptable.


If you have any questions, please contact Grace Kim ( or Sam Wan (



AAPA Leadership Fellows Program


Cover Sheet









Year of Degree:                                                                                             


Area of Psychology in which you received your degree:


            Biobehavioral                                                  Experimental

            Cognitive                                                        Forensic

            Clinical                                                            Industrial Organizational

            Counseling                                                      Personality

            Cultural                                                           Sensation and Perception

            Developmental                                                Social


            Other (Please specify):                                                                                   




AAPA is committed to ensuring diversity among the Fellows.  Please indicate here aspects of your background that you believe would contribute to that priority.  You might include, for example, your specific ethnicity, your gender, your religious background, your sexual orientation, or any other experience or identity that you believe would contribute to our understanding of the perspectives you bring and how these might contribute to the success of the Fellows.












2013 AAPA Awards

By Announcements

Here are the 2013 awardees:

Chun-Chung Choi – AAPA Early Career Award for Distinguished Contribution to Service 

Joyce P. Chu – AAPA Early Career Award for Distinguished Contribution to Research

E.J.R. David -AAPA Early Career Award for Distinguished Contribution to Research 

Pawanjit Kalra – AAPA Okura Community Leadership Award  

Karen L. Suyemoto – AAPA Distinguished Contributions Award 

Frederick T.L. Leong – AAPA Lifetime Achievement Award 

Gordon Nagayama Hall – AAPA Lifetime Achievement Award


The fellows committee has also voted to approve the following AAPA members as new Fellows of the association:

Phillip Akutsu

Michi Fu

Su Yeong Kim


The above awardees and new fellows as well as the 2012 Okura Mental Health Leadership Foundation Fellowship awardees (Cindy Liu & Huijin Li) will be honored at the AAPA banquet in Honolulu on July 30, 2013.


Many thanks to the following committee members for their work:

Ad-hoc committee for early career award for service: Michi Fu, Gisela Lin, & Paul Wang

Awards committee: Barry Chung, Christing Iijima-Hall, Yosh Kawahara, Jeff Mio, & Joel Wong

Fellows committee: Barry Chung, Christing Iijima-Hall, Yosh Kawahara, Jeff Mio

AAPA-APF Okura Foundation Fellowship committee: Christine Iijima-Hall, Gayle Iwamasa (chair), Debra Kawahara, Ann-Marie Yamada

AAPA Journal News Update

By Announcements

Dear AAPA members,

I am excited to share wonderful news about our amazing AAPA journal, Asian American Journal of Psychology.

First, we are very pleased to announce that Dr. Bryan Kim (University of Hawaii, Hilo) has agreed to serve as Editor-Elect for AAJP.  The Editorial Selection Committee, chaired by Arpana Inman along with Gordon Nagayama Hall and Michi Fu, reviewed nomination materials for the next AAJP editor and forwarded Bryan’s name to the the Executive Committee. The EC voted unanimously to approve the recommendation to select Bryan as the next editor. Please welcome Bryan as he takes over the helm from inaugural editor, Dr. Fred Leong, whose term will end in 2014.

Second, we just received word from Annie Hill, managing director of the APA-EPF who publishes AAJP that we now have an impact factor score for the journal.  It is an amazing 1.750 impact factor!!!! Annie provides more context in the below email.

To put this into broader perspective, Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology (CDEMP) which is the flagship journal of Division 45 has an impact factor score of 1.603. Journal of Family Psychology has an impact factor of 1.88, Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology has an impact factor of 1.33, and Professional Psychology: Research and Practice has an impact factor of 1.65.

Congratulations to Fred Leong has editor and his amazing editorial team. I also want to thank all the AAPA members who have submitted manuscripts, reviewed manuscripts, and promoted AAJP to colleagues and students.  The success of the journal is directed attributable to all of our collective efforts.

It is a great time to be an AAPA member! AAJP comes free with each membership. If your membership has lapsed, now is the time to join.

All the best,

Richard M Lee, PhD, LP

President, Asian American Psychological Association

Anti Gay Hate Crimes

By News
Anti-Gay Hate Crimes on the Rise in New York City: A Call to the Community
by Kevin L. Nadal, Ph.D.

I first moved to New York when I was 24 years old and I was accepted into a doctoral program in psychology at Columbia University. Some college friends from my undergraduate university in Southern California were already living in New York and invited me to move in with them in a small two-bedroom apartment in the West Village.

I was a naïve Californian, who had just completed a two-year tenure in Michigan, and I didn’t really know much about my neighborhood. When I told people where I was moving, I usually said that it was where the “Friends” characters lived or where the tenth season of the “Real World” was filmed.

However, when I actually moved to the Big Apple a month later, I quickly learned that the neighborhood where I would spend the first three years of my New York life was the home of the Stonewall Inn and the mecca of the LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer) Rights Movement.

Perhaps I didn’t know much about Stonewall because I was still in the closet. While I had been living a “secret” life as a gay man for most of my life, the lingering pressures of coming from a Catholic, Filipino family prevented me from ever coming to terms with my sexual identity.

I didn’t tell many people that I was gay — not my family in California, not my family that lived off the last stop of the F-Train in Jamaica, Queens, and not even my roommates who I shared a wall with. I wasn’t ready. I was afraid I wouldn’t be accepted. I was scared that I would lose everything (and everyone) in my life.

But somehow, everything changed.

I started exploring my neighborhood and began to frequent some of the local gay bars. I began to meet all kinds of LGBTQ people -– particularly gay men, transgender women, and even a few drag queens. At least once a week, I would go to the Stonewall Inn on Christopher Street, the same place where the LGBTQ movement began over 30 years prior when a bunch of brave transgender women and gay men fought back against a police raid.

My favorite nights at Stonewall circa 2002 were the “Hip Hop Nights;” I would enter a room where a bunch of gay and queer men of color were bobbing their heads to the sounds of Biggie Smalls and Jay-Z. For the first time in my life, I felt like I belonged. I could be a person of color and gay at the same time, and it was okay.

I made several friends in the West Village, and I even met a few lovers. It felt so free and invigorating to hold another man’s hand in public for the first time in my life. I felt safe. I felt proud. It was time for me to come out of the closet.

Eleven years later, a few things have changed. First, over time, I had lived in two other LGBTQ-friendly neighborhoods in Manhattan: Hell’s Kitchen (which is adjacent to Times Square) and Chelsea (where I currently live). I graduated from my Ph.D. program, wrote a few books, and eventually became a tenured professor. And most importantly, I finally met the love of my life, and we have been unofficially living together for the past nine months. I plan on marrying him someday and I am proud to be a resident of a state where that would be legal.

However, lately, I haven’t been so proud of my state or my city.

In the past three weeks, there have been a string of hate crimes against gay men in Manhattan, and one resulted in death. On May 5th, a gay couple was attacked in broad daylight outside of Madison Square Garden, right after a New York Knicks game, while a different gay couple was assaulted a few days later, a few blocks away. A gay man was attacked while leaving a bar in the West Village, and another gay man in Union Square was punched in the face and robbed. With all of these incidents, the assailants were heard yelling homophobic slurs, right before — and while — they assaulted their victims.

On Thursday, May 16th, I attended a protest, in front of Madison Square Garden, right before a Knicks game. With the theme of “Queers Take Back the Night, ”over a hundred LGBTQ people and allies stood silently with signs as Knicks fans entered the arena. Some passers-by respectfully walked by, while many snickered or scoffed at our presence.

A few LGBTQ leaders spoke passionately on a megaphone, and the nonviolent group walked with their signs and flyers down 8th Avenue. For some, it was important to educate people about the string of anti-LGBT hate crimes and for others, the purpose was to reclaim the streets they once viewed as safe.

Apparently, the peaceful protest didn’t work.

On May 18th, shortly after midnight, Mark Carson, a 32-year old, gay African American man was walking with a friend in the West Village, when a group of men began to verbally harass them with homophobic taunts. One of the men followed the pair and shot Mark Carson in the face; he died shortly after.

Less than 24 hours later, I attended a candlelight vigil in honor of Mr. Carson, located right where he was killed. Several hundred people were in attendance, and I heard the phrase “It could have been any of us” throughout the night. On Monday night, a more organized rally was held to honor Mr. Carson. While I personally could not attend, I was there in spirit with the thousands of people who marched in the West Village and held signs that read “Stop the Hate!” and “Marriage means nothing if we are being gunned down.” Leaders of the LGBTQ community, politicians, and even members of Mr. Carson’s family spoke.

Sadly, this protest didn’t work either.

A few hours later in the East Village, a gay man was attacked after disclosing to an acquaintance that he was gay. A few more hours later in Soho, a gay couple was the verbal target of anti-gay slurs, right before they were physically assaulted. These last two incidents bring the total number to seven anti-gay hate crimes in a span of 20 days. Perhaps we need to do more than just protest and rally.

Some members of the LGBTQ community want to fight back, by taking self-defense classes or arming themselves. Others want more police presence in LGBTQ neighborhoods, and others want to organize “safety by numbers” programs. While I can see some merit in some of these responses, my recommendation is simple: 1) Talk about these issues, 2) Don’t assume, and 3) Take a stand.

We have to start talking to our family members, friends, and acquaintances about what is happening. Post on your Facebook and Twitter pages. Send emails to listserves across the country, but also to your personal networks. While there is some coverage on mainstream news sources, most people are unaware of what is happening. Tell people about what happened to Mark Carson, so that his death is not in vain. It is way too common for LGBTQ people (particularly transgender people and LGBTQ people of color) to be victims of heinous crimes and for their names to be forgotten. I will not forget Sakia Gunn, Stephen Lopez Mercado, or Lorena Escalera, and we cannot forget Mark Carson either.

Secondly, don’t assume anything. In the past couple of weeks, I have had lots of conversations with friends who say things like “Things like this don’t happen in New York.” But, they do. It is quite common for my boyfriend and I to hear homophobic slurs as we walk down the streets of Manhattan. It wasn’t too long ago that a man in Hells Kitchen shoved me and called me a “faggot” as I walked by holding my boyfriend’s hand. Luckily nothing else happened, and after these past few weeks’ events, I am thankful that nothing did.

I’ve also had a lot of conversations with friends who say things like “I don’t think I know any homophobic people.” When I ask if they’ve talked about homophobia with their brothers, cousins, or friends directly, the common response is “No.” Of course we don’t want to believe that anyone in our lives is homophobic (or racist, sexist, etc.), but unless we talk about their views directly, we really don’t know.

When perpetrators of school shootings or serial killings are arrested, most people claim that they didn’t know the person was hateful, sociopathic, or mentally ill. When a person commits suicide, a lot of people will say they didn’t know the person was depressed or suicidal. And this is why we need to ask.

Finally, take a stand. Tell people that homophobia and transphobia is unacceptable. When people use biased language like “That’s So Gay” or “No Homo,” point out how those words are wrong and hurtful. When we allow these microaggressive, anti-LGBTQ behaviors to continue, we create an environment where people believe it is acceptable to hate or discriminate against LGBTQ people. And if these hateful environments persist, the violence will continue.

I share all of this with you because I don’t want to be afraid to hold my boyfriend’s hand in public. I don’t want to feel unsafe again. I don’t want to live my life in fear. And I don’t want to go back into the closet.

But I need your help.

Call for Nominations for Leadership Positions within AAPA

By Announcements

Dear AAPA Friends and Colleagues,

We are pleased to announce the call for nominations for leadership positions within AAPA, the Division of South Asian Americans (DoSAA), and the Division of Women (DoW). We have some exciting positions available, which are detailed below. The call for nominations is due by May 31, 2013.

Please see below for the correct contact person at each Division.

The vibrancy of an organization is often reflected in its voting process, and so I strongly encourage you to you to nominate yourself and colleagues for a unique opportunity to serve as a leader within AAPA. In the past, nominations have been based on many factors, including expertise, passion for a particular cause, a desire to help, interest in working with an inspiring group of colleagues, or even simple curiosity (e.g., what exactly does a “board member” do?). Whatever your motivation(s) might be, please consider nominating someone (or multiple people!) for these positions. Details about the positions and nominating procedures are provided below.

  • AAPA is seeking nominations for two Board Members
  • DoSAA is seeking nominations for Chair-Elect
  • DoW is seeking nominations for one Co-Chair

Call for Nominations: Asian American Psychological Association

AAPA is pleased to announce our call for nominations. We are seeking nominations for two Board of Directors member positions, to serve from August 31, 2013 – August 30, 2015.

We seek committed people to serve in these leadership roles and to carry on our services and programs. The office description is provided below:

In performing duties of their office, the Directors shall:

  1. assume specific duties and responsibilities as directed by the President;
  2. assist the Vice-President in planning the annual convention;
  3. act as liaisons to other national or international organizations which purposes or actions will benefit the Association and its purposes;
  4. assist in soliciting corporate donations and other fund raising activities to carry out the objectives of the Association, including awarding of student scholarships;
  5. serve for no more than two (2) consecutive terms of two years each.

AAPA nominations should be accompanied by a brief statement (250 words) addressing:

  • Past AAPA offices held (if any);
  • Past contributions to AAPA and/or Asian American psychology;
  • Goal statement of what the nominee hopes to accomplish as an AAPA officer.

Nominees must be AAPA members. Self-nominations are encouraged.

Please send nominations and statements by May 31, 2013 via email (as text in the body of the email message, NOT as an attachment) to:

Linda Juang, AAPA Secretary/Historian

Call for Nominations: Division on South Asian Americans

The Division on South Asian Americans (DoSAA) is pleased to announce our call for nominations. DoSAA is seeking nominations for Chair-elect for the term starting August 31st 2013:

Chair-Elect: This position will serve a one year term, but will subsequently serve as co-chair and chair for a total of a 3 year term. This person will primarily serve as preparing for the position of co-chair and chair and will familiarize themselves with the current business of the division. Assist the chair and co-chair as necessary with current business of the division. Act as a liaison with other associations and divisions as appropriate.

This position allows for opportunities to participate on sub-committees within the division (award, newsletter, conference programming etc.).

The Division on South Asian Americans seeks:

  • To represent AAPA members interested in South Asian American mental health.
  • To increase visibility of South Asian Americans as a collective entity within AAPA.
  • To serve as a recruitment tool for future South Asian American members within AAPA.
  • To establish a representative body within AAPA and to liaison with outside organizations.
  • To provide resources and support regarding best treatment practices for South Asian Americans (e.g. culturally sensitive assessment tools, client care, clinician referrals).
  • To provide professional networking opportunities for members interested in South Asian American mental health concerns (e.g. research collaborations and conference presentations).

Nominees must be current (dues paid) Professional members of AAPA and DoSAA with the exception of the student representative who needs to be a student member of both AAPA and DoSAA.

To encourage the representation of diverse perspectives in the division, DoSAA encourages individuals in all disciplines of healthcare, stages of career, ethnicity, race, disability, gender, sexual orientation and age to apply for positions. The division will work extensively through email and phone conferences because of the limited face to face contact. Regular checking of email and participation in all phone conferences will be required.

Individuals may self-nominate or be nominated by another AAPA member.

Nominations should be accompanied by a brief statement (250 words) addressing:

  1. Past contributions to Asian American psychology and/or AAPA.
  2. Past offices held in AAPA or other organizations/committees (if any).
  3. Goal statement of what the nominee hopes to accomplish as a DoSAA officer.

Members will be allowed to vote by electronic ballot. Nomination materials must be received by May 31, 2013.

Send Nominations via Email to:

Monique Shah Kulkarni, PhD
Membership/Nomination/Elections Chair

Call for Nominations: Division of Women

The Division of Women is pleased to announce our call for nominations. DoW is seeking nominations for one nominations for one position, Co-Chair. The co-chair is to serve a 2-year term, starting August 31, 2013.

Duties of the co-chair include:

  • Writing regular co-chair update columns in the DoW newsletter and the AAPA newsletter.
  • Serving on the AAPA Council of Representatives (one of the co-chairs).
  • Serving as liaison to other organizations including feminist divisions or those eliciting information on the concerns of Asian American women.
  • Being responsible for facilitating communication among the DoW Officers.
  • Supporting all regional representatives via checking in regarding events, financial assistance, encouragement and acknowledgement of their efforts.
  • Leading all DoW-related activities at the Annual AAPA conference.
  • Leading effort to select DoW Award recipients with input from DoW officers.
  • Encouraging women to present in the DoW sponsored symposium held at the Annual AAPA conference.

Nominations should be accompanied by a brief statement (250 words) addressing:

  • Past AAPA and/or DoW offices of positions held (if any);
  • Past contributions to AAPA and/or Asian American women’s psychology;
  • Goal statement of what the nominee hopes to accomplish as a DoW officer.

Nominees must be AAPA and DoW members. Self-nominations are encouraged.

Please send nominations and statements via e-mail to:

Ivy Ho, Ph.D.
DoW Co-Chair

2013 AAPA awards: Call for nominations (deadline June 3)

By Awards

AAPA Early Career Award for Distinguished Contribution to Service

The AAPA Early Career Award recognizes distinguished contributions to the field of Asian American Psychology from a psychologist early in his or her career. The candidate may not be more than 8 years post-Ph.D. at the time of nomination. The awardees are honored during the AwardsBanquet at the annual AAPA Convention.

This award will be given to an early career psychologist who has demonstrated outstanding achievement in the areas of practice, advocacy, or leadership in applied (non-academic) settings.

A qualified candidate must demonstrate achievement in one or more of the following areas: (a) innovative and outstanding delivery of psychological services to Asian Americans ; (b) development of programs, procedures, or technical skills in mental health, intergroup relations, and Asian American welfare; (c) activities related to furthering Asian American interests through legislative, legal, political, or organizational involvement (including student and community organizations); (d) leadership in local, state, or federal organizations that serve the public interest of Asian Americans; (e) other advocacy work on behalf of Asian Americans (e.g., providing pro-bono work to Asian Americans whose access to services may be limited).

Required materials:

  1. A formal letter of nomination must describe: (a) the qualification of the for the award and (b) details of the specific contributions to practice, advocacy, or leadership that merit the award. Self nominations are welcome.
  2. At least one letter of recommendation (in addition to the nomination letter). The committee will accept up to 2 letters of recommendation.
  3. Nominee’s CV

All materials must be received by the Awards Committee Chair: Sumie Okazaki at by June 3, 2013, 5pm EST.



AAPA Early Career Award for Distinguished Contribution to Research

The AAPA Early Career Award recognizes distinguished contributions to the field of Asian American Psychology from a psychologist early in his or her career. The candidate may not be more than 8 years post-Ph.D. at the time of nomination. The awardees are honored during the AwardsBanquet at the annual AAPA Convention.

This award will be given to an early career psychologist who has demonstrated outstanding achievement in research and scholarship.

A qualified candidate must demonstrate outstanding contribution in one or more of the following areas: (a) development or advancement of psychological theories in Asian American psychology; (b) noteworthy research contributions that further the knowledge base of Asian American psychology.

For the list of previous awardees, see “Awards for Members” under JOIN.

Required materials:

  1. A formal letter of nomination must describe: (a) the qualification of the for the award and (b) details of the specific contributions to research and scholarship that merit the award. Self nominations are welcome.
  2. At least one letter of recommendation (in addition to the nomination letter). The committee will accept up to 2 letters of recommendation.
  3. Nominee’s CV

All materials must be received by the Awards Committee Chair: Sumie Okazaki at by June 3, 2013, 5pm EST.



AAPA Distinguished Contributions Award

AAPA formally recognizes members who have made Distinguished Contributions to psychological issues relevant to Asian American and Pacific Islander Americans. The awardees are honored during the Awards Banquet at the annual AAPA Convention.  A qualified candidate must have demonstrated distinguished contribution in one or more of the following areas:

  1. Scholarship: contributions to the development of conceptual psychological schemes or theories; applications of research and theories; the integration of knowledge to provide greater understanding of Asian Americans.
  2. Practice: innovations and outstanding applications of the knowledge base in Asian American psychology; the development of programs, procedures, or technical skills in mental health, intergroup relations, and Asian American welfare.
  3. Leadership: activities related to furthering Asian American interests through legislative, legal, political, or organizational involvement; leadership in local, state, or federal organizations.

For the list of previous awardees, see “Awards for Members” under JOIN.

Required materials:

  1. A formal letter of nomination must describe: (a) the qualification of the for the award and (b) details of the specific contributions to scholarship, practice, and/or leadership that merit the award. Self nominations are welcome.
  2. At least one letter of recommendation (in addition to the nomination letter). The committee will accept up to 2 letters of recommendation.
  3. Nominee’s CV

All materials must be received by the Awards Committee Chair: Sumie Okazaki at by June 3, 2013, 5pm EST.


AAPA Lifetime Achievement

The AAPA Lifetime Achievement Award recognizes distinguished and exemplary long-term contributions to the field of Asian American Psychology from a senior level psychologist.   Long-term is defined as a career spanning no less than 25 years.  The areas of contributions for thisaward are similar to those for the Distinguished Contributions Award, namely Scholarship, Practice, and Leadership.  The awardees are honored during the Awards Banquet at the annual AAPA Convention.

The award is given only occasionally, and to-date there has been only 5 recipients of this prestigious award from the Association.

For the list of previous awardees, see “Awards for Members” under JOIN.

Required materials:

  1. A formal letter of nomination must describe: (a) the qualification of the for the award and (b) details of the specific contributions to practice, advocacy, or leadership that merit the award.
  2. At least one letter of recommendation (in addition to the nomination letter). The committee will accept up to 2 letters of recommendation.
  3. Nominee’s CV

All materials must be received by the Awards Committee Chair: Sumie Okazaki at by June 3, 2013, 5pm EST

It Takes a Village: The Immediate Mental Health Response to the Oak Creek Sikh Temple Shootings

By Announcements

A thoughtful reflection on the Oak Creek Sikh Temple shootings which occurred on August 5, 2012. This story was written by AAPA member Puni Kalra for the organization Counselors Helping (South) Asian/Indians, Inc (CHAI).

By Puni Kalra

On Sunday, August 5, 2012, at approximately 10:30 am, a gunman arrived at the Sikh Temple in Oak Creek, Wisconsin and killed 7 people, including himself. I was sitting in my home in Aurora, Colorado that morning and learned of the event as I was scanning my Facebook newsfeed. I immediately ran to the television and could not believe what I was seeing…swat teams at a Gurdwara and images of Sikh men, women, and children in distress. It was utterly heartbreaking. I went numb for the next 24 hours.

The following night, I called my childhood friend in Chicago to process what had happened. We were both still in shock. Having grown up in the Sikh community and going to youth camps since the age of six, this hit very close to home in every way — physically, emotionally, and spiritually. The Gurdwara was my second home, and even though I may have grown up in Chicago and this was an hour away, it didn’t matter. This was still my Gurdwara and the people that were affected were my Sikh brothers and sisters.

Click here to read the full post.