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AAPA 2017-2018 Leadership Fellows

By September 15, 2017Announcements, Awards, News

The AAPA Leadership Fellows Program is excited to announce the

2017-2018 AAPA Leadership Fellows

Amanda Breen, Ph.D. & Kimberly Koko Nishi, Psy.D.


Dr. Amanda Breen is currently an assistant professor of psychology at Neumann University. She earned her doctorate in Social Psychology from Temple University and her Master’s degree in public health from Drexel University where she also worked as research associate for the School of Public Health’s Center for Hunger-Free Communities. She is deeply committed to addressing issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion in her teaching and scholarship. Currently, Dr. Breen is actively working on projects with her students investigating how experiencing stereotype threat in the criminal justice domain might have consequences in the academic domain and examining the relationship between adverse childhood experiences and college major. On the Neumann campus, Dr. Breen continues to work on fostering an inclusive environment for students, faculty and staff of color, LGBTQIAA students, low-income and first-generation college students, and any all others from historically marginalized communities.

Dr. Koko Nishi is a licensed psychologist and serves as the Outreach Coordinator for Counseling and Psychological Services at San Diego State University. Dr. Nishi completed her Masters in Psychology and Education at Teachers College Columbia University and her doctorate in in Clinical Psychology from George Washington University and completed her postdoctoral fellowship at Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) at University of California, San Diego with an emphasis in suicide prevention and mental health promotion. Her clinical interests include anxiety, depression, trauma, multicultural and diversity issues, intersectionality, identity integration, and Asian/Asian-American mental health. Dr. Nishi is passionate about collaborating with campus partners to create outreach programs that raise awareness and promote resources to help reduce mental health stigma, particularly within underrepresented populations. 

Please join us in welcoming our newest AAPA Leadership Fellows!