Duties of the President Elect. In performing the duties of office, the President-Elect shall:
a. familiarize herself/himself with ongoing business of the Executive Committee, particularly business that would continue beyond the current President’s term of office.
b. assist the President and Executive Committee with the Association’s business
c. act as liaison to other national or international organizations which purposes or actions will benefit the Association and its purposes;
d. assist in soliciting corporate donations and other fund raising activities to carry out the objectives of the Association, including awarding of student scholarships;
e. serve a one year term of office.
Duties of the President. In performing the duties of office, the President shall:
a. conduct the business of the Association between meetings of The Executive Committee;
b. be an ex-officio member of all committees and chair of The Executive Committee meetings;
c. represent the Association in business matters with other organizations, agencies, or governmental bodies;
d. act for the Association in any particular business matter, provided that prompt reports are furnished to The Executive Committee, and that the action is not opposed by a majority of The Executive Committee, and that the action is consistent with the Association By-Laws;
e. delegate some of his or her duties to other members at his or her discretion;
f. serve a two year term of office, or until a successor assumes the office.
Duties of the Past President. In performing the duties of the office, the Past President shall:
a. aid the Executive Committee with continuity of officer transition;
b. assist the Association with special projects;
c. serve for one year term of office, or until a successor assumes the office.
Duties of the Vice President. In performing duties of office, the Vice President shall:
a. serve in the place of the President should the President not be able to carry out his or her duties;
b. assume other duties as agreed upon with the President;
c. oversee the planning of the Association’s annual convention;
d. delegate responsibilities to other Association members at his or her discretion;
e. serve a two year tem of office, or until a successor assumes the office.
Duties of the Secretary-Historian. In performing the duties of the office, the Secretary-Historian shall:
a. collect and maintain archival items of that Association including but not limited to AAPA publications (newsletters, monographs, journals, convention proceedings), convention programs, and other items of historical significance;
b. document summaries of Executive Committee meetings and other Association meetings of historical significance when so directed by The Executive Committee;
c. compose election materials for the newsletter and collect ballots;
d. serve for two year term of office, or until a successor assumes the office.
Duties of the Directors. In performing duties of their office, the Directors shall:
a. assume specific duties and responsibilities as directed by the President;
b. assist the Vice-President in planning the annual convention;
c. act as liaisons to other national or international organizations which purposes or actions will benefit the Association and its purposes;
d. assist in soliciting corporate donations and other fund raising activities to carry out the objectives of the Association, including awarding of student scholarships;
e. serve for no more than two (2) consecutive terms of two years each.
Duties of the Council Representative. In performing the duties of the office, the Council of Representatives shall:
a. be a member of both the Association and the American Psychological Association;
b. have demonstrated prior leadership, active involvement or commitment to the Association;
c. represent the Association at the American Psychological Association’s Council of Representatives in a manner consistent with the Association’s By-Laws and the interests and priorities of the Executive Committee;
d. attend the Council’s meetings and any other meetings related to Council business or designate an Alternate with the approval of the Executive Committee;
e. provide a timely written report of Council’s regular meetings to the membership and the Executive Committee;
f. communicate with the President and the Executive Committee about issues and
upcoming votes on the Council, initiate discussion on the Executive Committee about such issues, and inform the President and Executive Committee of recommendations for action;
g. act for the Association in a particular business matter, provided that the action is supported by a majority of the Executive Committee;
h. serve for a three year term of office, or until a successor assumes the office. A Council Representative cannot serve more than two consecutive terms. A Council Representative who has served for six consecutive years shall not be eligible for election or appointment for a period of one year as a Representative from any Division within the American Psychological Association or State/Provincial Association.