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AAJP Special Issue – Call for Papers: Asian Americans and Suicide

By AAJP, Announcements, Call for Proposals, Research

Call for Papers: Asian Americans and Suicide


Submission Deadline: November 1, 2017


Special Issue Editors

Frederick Leong, PhD, Joyce Chu, PhD, and Shashank Joshi, MD


The Asian American Journal of Psychology is extending an invitation for manuscripts to be considered for a special issue on Asian Americans and suicide.


The goal of this special issue is to detail the current state of knowledge and gaps about suicide in Asian American communities, and to highlight innovative approaches to suicide prevention and management for Asian Americans through a culturally informed lens.


Topics include, but are not limited to,

  • expansion of the current knowledge base about the problem of suicide in Asian American communities
  • ways to increase our understanding of the development of suicidal ideation and behaviors, the expression of suicidal distress or behaviors, means or methods of suicide, or culturally informed meanings of suicide
  • understudied or innovative clinical or community approaches to prevent and manage suicide


Manuscripts that address suicide in understudied Asian American subgroups (e.g., Hmong, Laotian, Vietnamese, and Cambodian) are particularly welcome. Varied methodologies, particularly suicide note analysis or research on Asian American suicide decedents, are also of particular interest.


Empirical (quantitative and qualitative) papers, meta-analytic/review papers, and theoretical-based papers are all welcomed for submission.


The deadline for submissions is November 1, 2017.


This special issue endeavors to make timely and important contributions to burgeoning questions about heightened or growing suicide ideation, behaviors, and deaths among Asian American subgroups, and to provide guidance for community and clinical efforts to curtail the problem of suicide in Asian American populations.


Please follow the submission guidelines located on the Asian American Journal of Psychology website.


Manuscripts must be submitted electronically through the Manuscript Submission portal. Please specify in your cover letter that the submission is intended for the special section on Asian Americans and suicide.


All papers submitted will be initially screened by the guest editors and then sent out for blind peer review, if evaluated as appropriate for the journal.


For further questions related to this special issue, please contact Frederick Leong, Joyce Chu, or Shashank Joshi.

AAJP Vol. 8, No. 1 Special Issue: Moving Beyond the Model Minority

By AAJP, Announcements, News

Asian American Journal of Psychology | March 2017 Issue
Description and Table of Contents

SPECIAL ISSUE: Moving Beyond the Model Minority 

This special issue of AAJP represents a collaborative effort with the Society for Research in Child Development’s Asian Caucus Steering Committee (Hirokazu Yoshikawa, Charissa Cheah, Virginia Huynh, Lisa Kiang, and Yijie Wang), with Virginia Huynh and Lisa Kiang serving as lead guest editors. The collection of articles in this issue represents diverse methodologies, with a common aim of further understanding the development of Asian Americans beyond the confines of the Model Minority Stereotype and inspiring new conceptual and empirical approaches. We hope that readers will find the articles in this special issue to be informative and of benefit to their work. The Introduction to this Special Issue may be downloaded for free here, and the Table of Contents is below.

[Articles available on APA PsycNET]

SPECIAL ISSUE INTRODUCTION: Moving beyond the model minority. [Free download of article]
Kiang, Lisa; Huynh, Virginia W.; Cheah, Charissa S. L.; Wang, Yijie; Yoshikawa, Hirokazu

Hyper-selectivity and the remaking of culture: Understanding the Asian American achievement paradox.
Zhou, Min; Lee, Jennifer

Academic social support and student expectations: The case of second-generation Asian Americans.
Cherng, Hua-Yu Sebastian; Liu, Jia-Lin

Are they political? Examining Asian American college students’ civic engagement.
Wray-Lake, Laura; Tang, Julia; Victorino, Christine

Losing Kapwa: Colonial legacies and the Filipino American family.
David, E. J. R.; Sharma, Dinghy Kristine B.; Petalio, Jessica

Disentangling the myth: Social relationships and Filipino American adolescents’ experiences of the model minority stereotype.
Rodriguez-Operana, Victoria C.; Mistry, Rashmita S.; Chen, Yu Jung

Stigma consciousness, racial microaggressions, and sleep disturbance among Asian Americans.
Ong, Anthony D.; Cerrada, Christian; Lee, Rebecca A.; Williams, David R.

Read about the last issue of AAJP
For more information on AAJP:
Contact: Bryan S. K. Kim, Ph.D., Editor, Asian American Journal of Psychology,

AAPA 2017 Annual Convention: Call for Proposals

By Announcements, Call for Proposals, Convention



Submission EXTENDED Deadline: May 31st, 2017 at 11:00 p.m. PST

Submit proposals at



October 6 – 8, 2017

Las Vegas, Nevada



Comradery Through Our Interdisciplinary Efforts, A Call to Action

Within the fiber of Asian American history is our activism and fight against injustice and exclusion.  Asian American psychology emerged from the Civil Rights movement, a time when communities across and within racial groups incited change for more equitable treatment. While honoring our rich and complex past and celebrating our triumphs, let’s continue to come together in solidarity to push forward inclusive community activism. Our hope is that this year’s convention will continue to bring diverse communities together to foster comradery, empower, re-energize, inspire, and ignite action.

The theme, ‘Rise in Solidarity’ directly builds on last year’s theme of going beyond Asian Americanness and examining our own diverse identities.  ‘Comradery Through Our Interdisciplinary Efforts’ encourages members to reach out to different fields with the goal of strengthening practice and research in Asian American psychology.  Further, the aftermath of the 2016 election has left many disenfranchised, especially those with multiple, targeted identities.  We hope this ‘Call to Action’ galvanizes AAPA members to heal and mobilize, while protecting those pushed to the margins.  This theme also addresses marginalized identities within our own ‘borders.’ During the closing panel of last year’s convention, AAPA members of various AAPI subgroups painfully shared stories about the invisibility of their intersectional identities.  By encouraging AAPA members to go beyond just acknowledging diverse identities, we aim to move towards inclusion and celebration of all marginalized identities within our AAPI community. As with every convention, we also emphasize the importance of networking, mentorship, and other professional development experiences, while remembering to HAVE FUN!

We are seeking proposals that draw attention to the experiences of the underrepresented Asian American groups (Southeast Asian, Pacific Islanders, LGBTQ, Multiracial People, and Women etc.), with a focus on those with multiple intersecting identities. In addition, we are interested in submissions that focus on collaborative projects (both nationally and internationally), interdisciplinary scholarship, multicultural perspective, cross-cultural psychology, and other works that further the social justice movement. We encourage submissions from researchers, community leaders and activists, mental health providers, and educators who work with underrepresented communities. Moreover, we welcome submissions from professionals and scholars in allied fields (e.g., Anthropology, Asian American Studies, Communication, Education, History, Law, Nursing, Political Science, Public Health, Psychiatry, Social Work, and Sociology) with whom we collaborate and whose work informs Asian American Psychology.

Proposals may address, but are not limited to, the following topics within AAPI Psychology:

Research or outreach with underrepresented AAPI groups (Southeast Asian, Pacific Islanders, LGBTQ, Multiracial People, and Women etc.)

  • Collaborative and interdisciplinary work examining the diversity of the AAPI community
  • Intersections of social identities such as race, gender, and sexual orientation (examining complexities of our different identities, focus on the different experiences)
  • Research, outreach and other topics involving the LGBTQ community
  • Social reform, public policy, and political action (involvement of Asian Americans in current political movements)
  • Social justice and equity
  • Immigration, immigration reform, needs and challenges of immigrant communities (examination of different adaptation experiences, process of acculturation, code switching, etc.)
  • Racial and ethnic identity development across different racial minority groups
  • Similarities and differences of racial discrimination across the different racial/ethnic groups
  • Intergroup conflicts; intergroup coalitions
  • Mental health and health disparities (research, outreach, programs that focus on access to care)
  • Increasing visibility in the education system and clinical and counseling settings
  • Colorblind, multicultural, and polycultural perspectives

Who May Submit

AAPA members at all levels of training (professional, graduate level, and undergraduate level), including non- psychologists interested in psychological issues affecting AAPIs are encouraged to submit proposals. Non- AAPA members at all levels may also submit proposals. We particularly encourage submissions from those interested in AAPI psychology who have not previously participated in AAPA conventions. Because strengthening the diversity of our colleagues in other organizations is of particular importance for psychologists of color, we strongly encourage submissions from members of other organizations, including by not limited to, the Association of Black Psychologists, Society of Indian Psychologists, and the National Latina/o Psychological Association.

While there is no limit to the total number of submitted proposals per person, individuals can only be the first author of one proposal submission. In the event that multiple first author submissions are received from an individual, the committee will review only the first proposal received. Exempted from this rule are presenters who are invited speakers.

  • Deadline for all submissions is May 31st, 2017 at 11:00 p.m. PST
  • Please submit presentations at:
  • All presenters are required to officially register for the convention



Types of Submissions

  • Interactive Sessions: In a typical 90-minute session, a facilitator introduces the topic and sets up a context for subsequent discussions and interactions among participants. For questions about submitting an interactive session proposal, please contact Sessions Co-Chair Huijun Li at
  • Difficult Dialogues: In this new 90-minute session, a facilitator engages participants in a meaningful dialogue about issues that are difficult to discuss in everyday conversations. Proposal submissions must delineate how facilitators will establish and manage a safe space that promotes respectful expression of opposing views, and provides an environment in which differing perspectives are defended, heard, and considered by participants who hold conflicting cultural values and ideas.  For questions about submitting a difficult dialogue session proposal, please contact Sessions Co-Chair Huijun Li at
  • Symposia: In a typical 90-minute symposium, three or four presentations are given around a common theme. An expert discussant may provide feedback. The symposium proposal submission must include one program summary that integrates the multiple presentations within the session. It must also clearly indicate the titles and contents of each presentation within the symposium. A chair for the symposium must be named on the application portal. No individual paper proposals for symposium presentations are accepted. For questions, please contact Sessions Co-Chair Huijun Li at
  • Posters: Posters are displayed to disseminate information on various conceptual and/or empirical reports. During the designated 90-minute poster session, participants are invited to interact with poster presenters. Single research papers should be submitted as posters. For questions, please contact Poster Session Co-Chair Sunny Ho at

Guidelines for Proposals

  • All online proposals should include:

○      Contact information for each presenter

○      Abstract (50 to 100 words) with no author names

○      Program Summary (500 to 700 words) with no author names

○      3-4 Learning Objectives (not required for poster submissions)

  • Proposals will be sent for anonymous reviews. As such, the Abstract and Program Summary should not include identifying information of the author(s) and/or presenter(s).
  • Submitters will be notified by email upon receipt of their proposal.
  • For submissions highlighted as being potential programs, which can award Continuing Education units 
(CEs), individual authors will be contacted to provide additional information.
  • Submission outcomes will be sent via email by June 10th, 2017.

Proposal Rating Criteria

Proposals will be rated based on the following criteria:

  • Relationship to convention theme
  • Relevance/timeliness of topic
  • Membership appeal
  • Innovation and creativity
  • Scientific/empirical soundness (for research symposia and posters)
  • Adequacy of strategy for involving audience (for interactive sessions)
  • Contribution to the field

Additional Information

Presenters should bring their own laptops (those with Mac laptops should bring the appropriate adaptor to connect to the LCD projector). LCD projectors for PowerPoint presentations will be provided. Requests for additional AV equipment will be addressed after the final selection of presenters has been decided.

Visit the AAPA website at for more information on the 2017 Convention. For all other questions regarding the 2017 AAPA Convention, please email one of this year’s co-chairs, Gloria Wong-Padoongpatt at or Nic Rider at


AAJP Vol. 7, No. 4 featuring “Annual Review of Asian American Psychology, 2015” by Kiang et al.

By AAJP, Announcements, Member Spotlight, News

Asian American Journal of Psychology | December 2016 Issue
Feature Article & Table of Contents

Dr. Lisa Kiang

Dr. Lisa Kiang


Annual Review of Asian American Psychology, 2015
by Lisa Kiang, Charissa Cheah, Virginia Huynh, Yijie Wang, and Hirozaku Yoshikawa

AAPA would like to congratulate the authors of “Annual Review of Asian American Psychology, 2015,” which has been chosen as the Feature Article of the June 2016 issue. Below is a brief biography of the lead author, Dr. Lisa Kiang, and some reflections on this research experience. We hope that the readers of AAJP will find this Feature and the rest of the issue’s articles to be informative and of benefit to their work. The Feature Article may be downloaded for free here, and the December 2016 issue’s Table of Contents is at the end of this post.

Brief Biography of Dr. Lisa Kiang

Lisa Kiang is an Associate Professor in the Department of Psychology at Wake Forest University. She earned her Ph.D. in Developmental Psychology from the University of Denver and received her B.S. in Psychology from the University of Maryland, College Park. Her primary research interests are in the intersections of self and identity, family and social relationships, and culture, with a focus on adolescents from immigrant and ethnic minority backgrounds. Major themes include relational or contextual influences on identity formation, and culturally protective factors in promoting development and well-being.

Reflections from the Lead Author
I have sort of a love-hate relationship with technology, and my emotions certainly fluctuated to the extremes while collaborating on this paper. To start, though, I am deeply grateful to have had the opportunity to take on the important and enormous challenge of reviewing the outstanding research on Asian Americans published in 2015. It was rewarding and inspiring to see the quality of cutting-edge research focusing on this distinctive population. And in terms of sheer quantity, coordinating the coding, summary, review, and synthesis of hundreds upon hundreds of articles is no small feat and would never have been possible without the help from my small, but mighty, research lab and from my co-authors from the SRCD Asian Caucus. Indeed, one of the biggest tasks in working on this project was figuring out how to manage the process of coding articles for inclusion in the review. After consulting with one of my university’s reference librarians early on, I decided that using a combination of EbscoHost folders and Zotero would be one of the best ways to filter through abstracts and identify the final set of articles that met the criteria for inclusion—and this is where the “hate” comes in. These software programs and I had some words during the coding process, some pretty nasty words. And there were tears, mostly on my part. Some fists were even raised. Yet, in the end, glitches were resolved, inconsistencies were addressed, and no severe damage was done. After completing this project, Zotero and I decided we would take a little bit of break from each other, spend some time apart, but I think we’ll still be friends. The “love” aspect of my relationship with technology can be illustrated by the fact that much of the preparation and writing of this paper was handled internationally. I had the great fortune to teach in Vienna, Austria during the Spring of 2016 (more detailed teaching escapades can be found at Through technology, I was able to very efficiently and effectively communicate with my coding team and co-authors, whether it be via e-mails, electronic servers, shared folders, or online communication platforms. These days, it no longer seems remarkable to hold a meeting when attendees are distributed across multiple states and two or more continents, but it is the beauty and power of technology that makes such collaboration feasible and fun.


[Articles available on APA PsycNET]

FEATURE ARTICLE: Annual Review of Asian American Psychology, 2015 [Free download of article]
Lisa Kiang, Charissa Cheah, Virginia Huynh, Yijie Wang, and Hirozaku Yoshikawa

Asian American Men’s Internalization of Western Media Appearance Ideals, Social Comparison, and Acculturative Stress
Brian TaeHyuk Keum

Parent-Child Closeness and Acculturation in Predicting Racial Preference in Mate Selection among Asian Americans 
Quyen T. Sklar, Jenny H. Pak, and Stacy Eltiti

Big 5 Personality and Subjective Well-Being in Asian Americans: Testing Optimism and Pessimism as Mediators
P. Priscilla Lui, David Rollock, Edward C. Chang, Frederick F. T. Leong, and Byron L. Zamboanga

Does Endorsement of the Model Minority Myth Relate to Anti-Asian Sentiments among White College Students? The Role of a Color-blind Racial Attitude
Sarah J. Parks and Hyung Chol Yoo

Associations among Perceived Provider Cultural Sensitivity, Trust in Provider, and Treatment Adherence among Predominantly Low-Income Asian American Patients
Shuchang Kang, Carolyn M. Tucker, Guillermo M. Wippold, Michael Marsiske, and Paige H. Wegener

Read about the last issue of AAJP
For more information on AAJP:
Contact: Bryan S. K. Kim, Ph.D., Editor, Asian American Journal of Psychology,

AAPA Receives the APA Public Interest Leadership Conference (PILC) Health Equity Dissemination Award

By Announcements, Factsheets, News

AAPA Receives the APA Public Interest Leadership Conference (PILC) Health Equity Dissemination Award


AAPA members Dr. Sumie Okazaki, Ulash Thakore-Dunlap LMFT, Dr. Cixin Wang, and Dr. Munyi Shea received the APA PILC award to work on creating and disseminating a resource based on guidelines on bullying and victimization among Asian American and Pacfic Islanders (AAPI) K-12 students to school professionals and parents.

AAPA aims to address the lack of knowledge and resources on AAPI students experiencing bullying in the community by creating a practical resource for teachers and parents on AAPI bullying and to disseminate the materials online in ways that are accessible by school administrators, academic counselors, school-based mental health professionals, teachers, and to parents.

AAPA will plan to print a sample batch of the guidelines in 4 languages (Chinese, English, Korean, and Vietnamese) to distribute through conferences and workshops. We plan to also disseminate the guidelines electronically by sharing the products and materials with the APA Safe and Supportive Schools Program as well as other social media tools and websites, making it accessible to all. 

In 2017, AAPA looks forward to sharing the final resource pack with you.