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In March 2006, the Division on Students (DoS) of the Asian American Psychological Association (AAPA) was established to act as the representative body of its large student membership. The mission of the Division on Students is to unify and strengthen the student voice and provide important means to foster the development of future leaders of AAPA. The Division on Students creates a foundation for student members’ involvements and provides a source of support to aid students throughout their graduate and undergraduate educations. The Division on Students will operate on three major pillars: Professional Development, Community, and Advocacy.

***Student members of AAPA will automatically become members of the Division on Students with no additional fee.

DoS Executive Committee

Chair: Oliver Yimeng Xu
Assistant Chair: Xiaoyin (Miracle) Liu
Secretary-Historian: Wenjia Wang
Treasurer: Ashley Xin Jie Hoh
Expansion Coordinator: Nathan Lieng
Membership Coordinator: Zhuang (Alice) Duan
Publicity Coordinator: Yi-Yun (Minnie) Tsai

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Contact Our Chair Oliver Xu