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AAPA Receives the APA Public Interest Leadership Conference (PILC) Health Equity Dissemination Award

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AAPA Receives the APA Public Interest Leadership Conference (PILC) Health Equity Dissemination Award


AAPA members Dr. Sumie Okazaki, Ulash Thakore-Dunlap LMFT, Dr. Cixin Wang, and Dr. Munyi Shea received the APA PILC award to work on creating and disseminating a resource based on guidelines on bullying and victimization among Asian American and Pacfic Islanders (AAPI) K-12 students to school professionals and parents.

AAPA aims to address the lack of knowledge and resources on AAPI students experiencing bullying in the community by creating a practical resource for teachers and parents on AAPI bullying and to disseminate the materials online in ways that are accessible by school administrators, academic counselors, school-based mental health professionals, teachers, and to parents.

AAPA will plan to print a sample batch of the guidelines in 4 languages (Chinese, English, Korean, and Vietnamese) to distribute through conferences and workshops. We plan to also disseminate the guidelines electronically by sharing the products and materials with the APA Safe and Supportive Schools Program as well as other social media tools and websites, making it accessible to all. 

In 2017, AAPA looks forward to sharing the final resource pack with you.

2016 AAPA Leadership Fellows: Dr. Jan Estrellado & Dr. Susan Han

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It is with great pride and excitement that we announce the 2016 AAPA Leadership Fellows: Jan Estrellado, Ph.D. & Susan Han, Ph.D.

Please join in congratulating and welcoming them!

Dr. Jan Estrellado

Dr. Jan Estrellado

Dr. Estrellado earned her PhD in clinical psychology with a research focus on trauma and multicultural issues. She specifically studies the experiences of ethnic minority trauma survivors in therapy. Her clinical practice includes working with people suffering from anxiety disorders, depression, and PTSD. She is currently a lecturer at San Diego State University and a Post-Doctoral Fellow at the Center for Stress and Anxiety Management in San Diego, California. She has experience working with teens, adults, and older adults at community mental health treatment centers, psychiatric hospitals, and private practice settings. Before entering the psychology field, she worked as the Assistant Director at the Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Resource Center and as the Assistant Resident Dean at the University of California, San Diego.

Dr. Susan Han

Dr. Susan Han

Dr. Han is a licensed psychologist who is currently working at the Counseling Center at the University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC) as the Assistant Director of Mental Health Promotion, Outreach and Evaluation. She received her Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from George Mason University, completed her pre-doctoral internship at the University of Michigan and a post-doctoral residency year at Cornell University Counseling & Psychological Services. Dr. Han is integrative in her approach to therapy, drawing upon humanistic and cognitive-behavioral theories. Her special interests include multicultural identity development and promotion of psychological health and wellness.

Richelle Conception & Nellie Tran
AAPA Leadership Fellow Co-Chairs

AAJP Vol. 7, No. 2, featuring “Parents and teachers’ perspectives on school bullying among elementary school-aged Asian and Latino immigrant children,” by Shea et al.

By AAJP, Announcements, Member Spotlight, News

Asian American Journal of Psychology | June 2016 Issue
Feature Article & Table of Contents

Dr. Munyi Shea

Dr. Munyi Shea


Parents and Teachers’ Perspectives on School Bullying Among Elementary School-Aged Asian and Latino Immigrant Children
by Munyi Shea, Cixin Wang, Winnie Shi, Victor Gonzalez, and Dorothy Espeleage

AAPA would like to congratulate the authors of “Parents and Teachers’ Perspectives on School Bullying Among Elementary School-Aged Asian and Latino Immigrant Children,” which has been chosen as the Feature Article of the June 2016 issue. Below is a brief biography of the lead author, Dr. Munyi Shea, and some reflections on this research experience. We hope that the readers of AAJP will find this Feature and the rest of the issue’s articles to be informative and of benefit to their work. The Feature Article may be downloaded for free here, and the June 2016 issue’s Table of Contents is at the end of this post.

Brief Biography of Dr. Munyi Shea

Dr. Munyi Shea is an associate professor in psychology at Cal State University, Los Angeles. Her research focuses on issues related to Asian and Latino immigrant mental health, cultural adjustment and school experience, as well as the development and evaluation of culturally responsive school- or community-based prevention and intervention programs. Munyi Shea received her Ph.D. in counseling psychology from Teachers College, Columbia University, and completed an APA-accredited internship at Massachusetts Mental Health Center/Harvard Medical School in adult clinical psychology.

Reflections from the Lead Author
The most rewarding aspect of this project was to have parents come up to me after the focus group meetings and say how much they appreciated having a space to tell their children’s stories. I was both delighted and surprised, because, from my perspective, the most challenging part of these interviews was to get the parents talk! Most of them had never been in a research study, and felt uneasy to be in the spotlight. Some of them would conceal their nervousness through giggling, and others would avoid revealing their feelings by focusing solely on factual details. Very few of them actually referred to the children involved in bullying (whether their own or those of others) by their names.

At the time of data collection, I focused on getting all the questions asked, and felt perplexed by the accumulating “unanswered” questions that arose in the discussions. But as years have passed, what I now remember are little details – the parents’ non-verbal and facial expressions, their understated ways of showing support to each other (e.g., a pat on the shoulder, offering the Kleenex tissue paper), and their sense of camaraderie.

A fun fact: Because of the school location and the amount of time we spent on site, my research team and I ate out a lot. We sampled a wide variety of cuisines, ranging from lip-smacking street food and dim sum, to banquet-style Chinese food, earning us the reputation of the “eating” lab.


[Articles available on APA PsycNET]

FEATURE ARTICLE: Parents and Teachers’ Perspectives on School Bullying Among Elementary School-Aged Asian and Latino Immigrant Children [Free download of article]
Munyi Shea, Cixin Wang, Winnie Shi, Victor Gonzalez, and Dorothy Espeleage

Measurement Invariance Testing of a Three-Factor Model of Parental Warmth, Psychological
Control, and Knowledge Across European and Asian/Pacific Islander American Youth

Jeremy W. Luk, Kevin M. King, Carolyn A. McCarty, Ann Vander Stoep, and Elizabeth McCauley

“You’re Asian; You’re Supposed to Be Smart”: Adolescents’ Experiences With the Model Minority
Stereotype and Longitudinal Links With Identity

Taylor L. Thompson, Lisa Kiang, and Melissa R. Witkow

Ethnic Differences in Suicidal Ideation and Its Correlates Among South Asian American
Emerging Adults

Robert Lane, Soumia Cheref, and Regina Miranda

Do Social Constraints Always Hurt? Acculturation Moderates the Relationships Between Social
Constraints and Physical Symptoms of Chinese American Breast Cancer Survivors

Celia Ching Yee Wong and Qian Lu

The Effects of Racism-Related Stress on Asian Americans: Anxiety and Depression Among Different
Generational Statuses

Charles M. Liu and Karen L. Suyemoto

Read about the last issue of AAJP:
For more information on AAJP:
Contact: Bryan S. K. Kim, Ph.D., Editor, Asian American Journal of Psychology,

AAPA Statement on Orlando Shooting

By Announcements, News, Press Release, Statements

AAPA Statement on Orlando Shooting

June 14, 2016

AAPA offers our condolences and ongoing support in response to the horrific act of violence in Orlando, Florida this past Sunday, June 12, 2016, in the midst of Pride celebrations among the LGBTQ community. The shootings of innocent people celebrating Latin night at Pulse Nightclub is a tragedy impacting family, friends, colleagues, neighbors, and the wider community who have lost their loved ones in a senseless act of violence.

We join in mourning with the many intersected communities impacted by the Orlando shootings, especially our LGBTQ AAPA members and the Division on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and Questioning (LGBTQQ) within AAPA. As a community-at-large, we can stand up and take actions in the face of overwhelming tragedy. We will donate what we can, be it blood to be banked or money for victims’ families and organizations that promote peace and support LGBTQ communities.

Importantly, we provide our unwavering support to stay united and protect the human rights of all. We reject hatred in all of its forms and reaffirm our commitment to opposing anti-LGBTQ and anti-Muslim bigotry. Let us stand together and not allow a single individual’s hateful actions to turn us against our Muslim brothers and sisters. We will continue to celebrate Pride Month, Ramadan, and Immigrant Heritage Month.  We urge each of us to continue to do our part by reaching out to one another, inviting dialogue, reducing stigma, and promoting access to mental health care during these difficult times. We especially urge you to continue your advocacy work and education about issues of violence, discrimination, hatred, oppression, mental illness, extremism, and the impact on all affected communities.


Selected Resources for Support and Information:

American Psychological Association – Managing your distress in the wake of mass shooting:

American Psychological Association- How to talk to children about difficult news and tragedies:

SAMHSA – Incidents on Mass Violence:

Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays:



Contact: Kevin Nadal, Ph.D.

AAPA President,

Download Statement: [AAPA Statement on Orlando Shooting 2016-06-14.pdf]

AAJP Call for Papers: Qualitative Methods in Asian American Psychology

By AAJP, Announcements, News, Research

Dear Colleagues,

We are soliciting manuscripts to be featured in a Special Issue of the Asian American Journal of Psychology entitled “Qualitative Methods in Asian American Psychology.” The focus for this issue will be on highlighting studies that incorporate diverse qualitative methodologies to understand the complex psychological experiences of Asian Americans. Of particular interest are manuscripts that can serve as exemplars of various qualitative approaches/methodologies such as Ethnography, Phenomenology, Consensual Qualitative Research (CQR), Grounded Theory, Community Based Participatory Research (CBPR), Case Study, and Mixed Methods.

Deadline for submissions will be July 31, 2016. All submissions for the special issue will undergo the same review process as any other manuscript submitted to AAJP. Drs. Nagata and Suzuki will serve as Co-Editors for this special issue. Please feel free to contact Dr. Nagata at if you have any questions.


Donna Nagata, Ph.D.,
Professor of Psychology
University of Michigan

Lisa Suzuki, Ph.D.,
Associate Professor of Psychology
New York University

Bryan S. K. Kim, Ph.D.
Editor, Asian American Journal of Psychology