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Member Spotlight

How to Advance Minority Health? Our Educational Systems Can Help

By Member Spotlight, News

Kudos to AAPA Member Janet Chang, PhD who is featured on the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Human Capital Blog in honor of National Minority Health Month. Read more below and at the link provided.

To mark National Minority Health Month, the Human Capital Blog asked several Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) scholars to respond to questions about improving health care for all. In this post, Janet Chang, PhD, an assistant professor of psychology at Trinity College in Hartford, Conn., responds to the question, “Minority health is advanced by combating disparities and promoting diversity. How do these two goals overlap?” Chang is an alumna of the RWJF New Connections Program; she studies sociocultural influences on social support, help-seeking, and psychological functioning among diverse ethnic/racial groups.

To read her blog, visit:

Member Spotlight: Dr. Meifen Wei, PhD

By Member Spotlight

meifen-wei-pictureDr. Meifen Wei, PhD is the co-recipient of the 2009 AAPA Early Career Award. Dr. Wei is an Associate Professor at Iowa State University. Dr. Wei is the most frequently published author in Journal of Counseling Psychology in a decade and 4th in two decades. In addition, such a publication record would have been exceptional even for veteran professors, but Dr. Wei just began her academic position in 2002. Dr. Wei contributes to the welfare of Asian Americans on two fronts: focusing on acculturative stress and minority stress among Asian Americans and elucidating the process of coping with discrimination on Asian Americans. Dr. Wei has been a distinguished exemplar of a Scientist-Practitioner. Her practice spans 8 years of counseling Taiwanese students in Taiwan and 3 years of specialty service to Asian Americans in USA. She has served as a member in the Editorial Board of Journal of Counseling Psychology, The Counseling Psychologist, and Chinese Journal of Guidance and Counseling (an Asian international journal). -Dr. Ruth Chao, Nominator