Please consider becoming an AAPA Fellow!
Fellows shall be Members (Professional, Lifetime, or Honorary Lifetime) of the Asian American Psychological Association who have made unusual and outstanding contributions to the Association. The minimum requirements for Fellow status shall be (a) a doctoral degree, (b) prior status as a Member for at least one year, (c) five years of acceptable professional experience subsequent to the granting of the doctoral degree, and (e) evidence of unusual and outstanding contribution or performance in the field of Asian American psychology.
Candidate contributions are examined in terms of scholarship and impact on the field of psychology and its advancement. Impact is evaluated in terms of: (1) Unusual, positive, long-term effects; and (2) Significant impact in a single area OR broad impact over a number of areas. AAPA Fellow candidates are usually members of AAPA for at least two years and preferably have completed their doctoral degree more than 10 years prior to nomination.
Nomination Process:
Nominations are made once a year. Nominators should be members of AAPA and should e-mail the following by June 2, 2014 5pm CST to the AAPA Awards and Fellows Chair, Richard Lee at
Please put the name of the nominee and “AAPA Fellow nomination” in the subject headline of the email.
1) A letter of nomination.
2) A self-statement by the nominee that describes the accomplishments that demonstrate why Fellow status is warranted.
3) The candidate’s vita.
4) Two or more letters of endorsement (in addition to nomination letter), at least one of which is from an AAPA Fellow.
Information on award criteria is available at the below link:
AAPA Fellows
Rich Lee, AAPA Awards Committee Chair