Online registration will close on Friday, September 10th, 2021 at 11:59 pm PST, Expanding our Banyan Tree: Unity, Inclusivity, and Intersectionality in Scholarship! Please see the flyers attached. Convention information can be found at:
“Expanding Our Banyan Tree: Unity, Inclusivity, and Intersectionality in Scholarship“
October 1-3, 2021 | Virtual Convention
About the 2021 Convention:
The Banyan tree is known for the way in which its roots grow, downward from the branches of the tree itself and into the ground to form new trunks. One tree thus creates the appearance of a grove of trees all connected to one primary trunk. Inspired by this symbol of unity and connection, we call upon our members to consider the question “where should we extend the branches of our banyan tree?”
Often ignored or overshadowed, this past year has revealed that much work must be done politically, spiritually, and socially to bring Asian interests to a place of equality. The COVID-19 pandemic has instigated a historic change of the Asian experience. Increases in Xenophobic rhetoric directed at the Asian diaspora has resulted in a steady rise of violence, anti Asian racism, scapegoating, and depictions of Asians as representative of a perpetual foreigner. Meanwhile, the impact of the model minority myth continues to disjoint our movement for equality from others. The Black Lives Matter movement has revealed that Black issues affect everyone. Similarly, this year’s theme hopes to capture the reality that Asian issues are not just Asian issues and that it should not just be Asian scholars and Asian-identified who are interested in the Asian experience. As we prepare to break out of siloes created by the pandemic it is important to continue to reflect on our history in this nation and to engage in efforts of unification across groups and issues. Awareness of who is and who is not represented in our spaces is necessary to reach the branches of our expanding tree across the forest aisle. It is also essential to maintaining action on the issues impacting our communities today.
Unity, inclusivity, and intersectionality in clinical and scholarly activities around the Asian experience are important to all of us. This year’s convention will thus be about branching out while staying true to our organizational roots at every branch. Please plan to join us October 1-3, 2021.
Pre-Registration Fees Details
Pre-Registration fees for this year are as follows:
· Professional members: $45* one day | $90* three days (i.e., full convention)
· Professional non-members: $60* one day | $120* three days
· Postdoc members: $30* one day | $60* three days
· Postdoc non-members: $40* one day | $80* three days
· Student members: $20* one day | $40* three days
· Student non-members: $25* one day | $50* three days
· Retirees: $40* one day | $80* three days
· Family & guests: $20* one day | $40* three days
*There will be an additional processing fee charged by “Stripe.” The additional fee is shown in grey right next to the ticket price on the Registration page.
Online registration will close on Friday, September 10th, 2021 at 11:59 pm PST. Ticket prices are subject to increase if you register late. Early and on-time registration is greatly supportive of our convention team.
To presenters of accepted poster(s) and/or session(s), we would like to have your confirmation of presentation by August 6th, 11:59 pm PST, and registration for the convention by September 10th, 11:59 pm PST. Failure to do so may impact the status of your acceptance.
Note: If you are a member intending to volunteer, WAIT to register. Volunteers attend free on the days that they volunteer, and they will receive a code for registration directly from the volunteer committee.

About the Annual Convention:
Each year, AAPA holds a national convention. This event features presentations by researchers, practitioners and policy-makers and provides an educational forum on issues in Asian American psychology and Asian American mental health. In addition to keynote addresses and symposia, convention presentations and activities are organized in an interactive and small-group format that optimizes discussions between presenters and participants. Students and young professionals will have the opportunity to meet distinguished AAPA members at luncheon and dinner banquets. The convention also features a book drive, offering significant discounts on the most recent social science publications on Asian Americans and multicultural psychology, as well as other works of fiction and non-fiction which are of interest of AAPA members. To facilitate and encourage student participation, AAPA also funds annual student travel awards to the convention raised from the proceeds of the book drive.
The Programs for past Conventions are available for download: